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Today is my last daily “photo”.

When I started this project, I made a commitment to myself to post everyday for one year. Today I have honored that commitment.

Part of me feels like I could keep going. A daily ritual has been my saving grace at some pretty dark moments. But another part of me worries I’ve clung to this project as a way to hold onto the past. And if all the self help books in the world are correct, it’s best to live in the present.

I have a lot of fear about stopping. How will it feel when I don’t post tomorrow? Who am I if not this? What do I contribute to this life? But I feel, for the first time maybe ever, I am not so afraid of those questions or their answers.

Thank you all for following along. Your comments, replies, and feedback have been a huge motivator for me. Knowing you were all there with me each day brought me comfort and a sense of belonging.

I intended to go out with some big beautiful photo, but most of life is small, quiet moments. So here is a blurry bathroom selfie.

I do intend to keep making work and sharing it will you all, just not so often. So this won’t be the last you hear from me.

Love always,



Going out with a bang